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Thursday 8 December 2011

India Tours-Pondicherry Tourism Place,Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Sri Aurobindo Ashram
India Tour-Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Pondicherry’s Sri Aurobindo Ashram - The foundation of Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry is credited to Sri Aurobindo way back in November 1926.
Initially the Ashram comprised of only 24 disciples. The Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry has come a long way from its initial days of inception. It now features among the major places of tourist interest in Pondicherry. 
Pondicherry’s Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Pondicherry’s Sri Aurobindo Ashram in its early days used to follow a specific routine. The day for the sadhaks or the spiritual aspirants began at 3 a.m. They had to finish 
their meditations and the daily chores before they assembled under the balcony where the Mother showered her blessings.

The Ashram grew steadily and several departments sprang up. Till Mother passed away, she used to give public darshans to thousands of devotees who assembled at the place.

Tourist Places in Pondicherry - The Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry today is a large institution that has its extensions in almost all the major cities all over the world.

It offers many charitable benefits to the area, including free medical amenities and a publishing house.
India Tour-Sri Aurobindo Ashram

This is the view of the ashram grounds from the Park Guest House, the nicest ashram guest house.

The rooms were spotless, clean, together and extraordinarily cheap. They do prefer devotees or the spiritual inclined, yahoos need not apply
One does have to pass a cursory psychic test to be allowed to stay there. On the left is the guest house restaurant.

he Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry grew up day by day and introduced many departments. The head of the departments used to meet The Mother to take her blessings. Nowadays, Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry is a huge institution with branches in cities all over the world.

It undertakes charitable work in the area that include medical facilities and publishing house. The Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry has approximately 1200 members including 400 students of the Center of Education and over 100 devotees. The larger society comprises of more than 2000 people. The Ashram is not only famous as a retreat; rather it is popular for vivacious center of life in urban style.

The main aim and ideal of the ashram is the practice of Yoga in its truest form. Aurobindo believed that yoga can help human beings attain divinity. All Ashramites do some productive work every day in their departments of the Ashram. There are no mandatory practices, sacraments, mandatory meditations or methodical instructions in Yoga.

The Ashram gives its members all supports to get a decent and healthy life. There are various departments in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram of Pondicherry. They are office, library, gallery, dispensary, legal department, audit department, health care, guest houses and many more.

If you are traveling to Pondicherry then, do not miss a chance to explore the attractive places there including Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry.

http://www.idiscoverindia.com is an international travel site and a repository of useful information on Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry and on other exotic places around the globe.
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