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Wednesday 14 December 2011

India Tours -Rajasthan Tourism Place,Bharatpur


Rajasthan tourism has thrived a lot in the last few years. The multi-dimensional appeal of the Rajasthan Tourist Attractions has been the main reasons to attract such a large number of tourists through out the year. Tourism in Rajasthan is not al about natural beauty, religious significance or historical significance. The adventurous appeal of the tourism in Rajasthan has also attracted a lot of tourists. There are plenty of tourist spots in Rajasthan and each of these places are blessed with a number of tourist attractions. Tourist attractions in Bharatpur are also in plenty. Bharatpur tourist attractions are great for the adventurous people as well as nature lovers. History lovers will also have their share in a Bharatpur tour. Hence, travel to Bharatpur will have a great experience for the all type of tourists.
India Tours-Bharatpur

Tourist Attractions in Bharatpur India:

Regarded as the eastern gateway of Rajasthan, Bharatpur has a number of tourist attractions. Visit the bird sanctuary named Koeladeo Ghana National Park to witness the mesmerizing beauty of nature. This national park is very popular among tourists and most of Bharatpur tours feature a visit to this famous national park. The varied range of local and migratory birds found in this park will provide you a perfect date with nature. The Bahratpur Palace is also one of the major tourist attractions in Bharatpur. Visiting this palace will also be an enriching experience. The various feature of the palace will make you aware of the various aspects of Rajasthan history. Hence history lovers will have a great time, visiting this palace. Other Sight Seeing Attractions in Bharatpur include Golbagh Palace and Lohagarh or Iron Fort.
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