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Monday 5 December 2011

India Tours-West Bengal Tourism Place, Raijanj Bird Sanctuary

Raijanj Bird Sanctuary
India Tour-Raijanj Bird Sanctuary

It is claimed by some to be the second largest bird sanctuary in Asia. However, there are other claimants to that distinction, such as Harike Pattan sanctuary, spread over 93 square miles (240 km2), in Tarn Taran district of Punjab. Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, now known as Keoladeo National Park is considered the largest in Asia.

The area of the sanctuary is around 1.30 km². The core area is about 0.14 km² and the rest is buffer area. The river flows around part of the sanctuary and acts as the boundary in its eastern and southern parts. The shape of the sanctuary is that of the English alphabet "U". The sanctuary has a network of artificial canals connected with the river Kulik. During monsoon the river water enters the sanctuary, which supports a wide variety of food for the birds, particularly for the Asian openbill, whose main diet is apple snail. The sanctuary is home to 164 species of birds.

Several types of migratory birds arrive here each year from South Asian countries and coastal regions. They start arriving from June. The migratory species includes open-bill storks, egrets, night herons and cormorants. The resident birds are kites, flycatchers, owls, kingfishers, woodpeckers, drongoes, etc.

According to a 2002 census, 77,012 birds visited the sanctuary that year. In 2003, the figure was even higher at 81,384. In 2008 (according to a census), 91,540 birds visited. An average of 70,000 to 80,000 birds visit the sanctuary.

Here is a description from a visitor: “On our way out from Kolkata to Raiganj, we were about to cross the bridge over the Kulik river on National Highway 34 when we saw hundreds of storks circling a patch of forest across the river. Intuitively, I knew we had arrived... Once up there (tourist lodge observatory)... we saw that all the 30-odd trees in the lodge compound were occupied by hundreds of open-billed storks... During our half-hour in the observatory, we saw flocks flying overhead carrying twigs to build their nests. Those that already had nests were busy sitting on eggs or tending to hatchlings. It was equally fascinating watching some taking time off from family chores to preen themselves and smooth ruffled feathers.”

Altitude: 30 meters above sea level. 
Temperature (deg C): Summer- Max. 25, Min. 21. Winter- Max. 23, Min. 09. Rainfall: 155 cms (July to September). 
Clothing: Summer- Cottons, Tropical. Winter- Woolens. 
Languages spoken: Bengali, Hindi, English. 
Best season: Throughout the year but preferably October to March.

By Air: Nearest airport Calcutta- 425 kms and Malda- 76 kms.
By Rail: Malda Town- 76 kms is the nearest convenient railhead connected with the major cities.
By Road: Calcutta- 425 kms, Malda- 76 kms, Shiliguri- 181 kms.

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